Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year and etc......

Okay, I AM a few weeks late, but I had a good excuse(reason), for not blogging. I was actually trying to rest and recuperate from my last surgery. The second was a lot harder than the first and I feel like a sluggard some days, but people keep telling me that once you get up in age, your body dosen't recover as fast as it used to. I must have aged a bunch in between the first and second surgeries because I'm dragging a lot more now.
The offending mass was sitting in my chest right on my aorta. It was a biggie- the size of a small melon is what the Dr described it as.
I am alive and thank God for it all!
Meanwhile, I look forward to a new year of enjoying the challenges and riches that God has in front of me.

P.S. We started Baby Dear on solids and this look says how she truly feels about new foods.


Sara said...

Glad to hear that you are doing well!! I hope you continue to get better!!

Baby Dear is SO very cute:) What is her name?


MamaOlive said...

Looks like she's been doing well on liquids. ;-)

Glad to hear from you.