Sunday, July 17, 2011

A letter to a friend in South Ameerica.

Yes, I misspelled that.
I was in a hurry and finally looked up and saw it. And it looked cute. Something like what my 3 yr old would say with her British accent.
I wrote an email to a dear friend in South America whom I haven't written to since April. I thought it was clean enough and funny enough to share with you.
This is what I do on Sunday mornings after I do my Sunday school lesson, read my Bible, and figure out breakfast. I try to write a letter to a friend. It helps me reflect on the week and just pull my heart together before church. You should try it!
Here is an excerpt,

Dear Friend,
I beg your forgiveness on not writing you back immediately. The time just passed so quickly and I kept saying that I'd get to you. SO sorry!
You folks are enjoying that lush climate right now. It's not the rainy season, is it?

There has been so much going on and wow! my season of life is changing too! My oldest has graduated and the pressure seems to be on her to A.) get a job or B.) go to college. Frankly, I don't want her to go anywhere if she has to be far away from us, but she dosen't feel the need to go back to America without us anyway. She has had ongoing medical issues with her allergies, surgery to repair a hole in her heart that failed,(but we did see an aneurism in there-they say it shouldn't rupture), and chest pain when lying down which results in her sleeping in a recliner each night.
I don't think it's time for her to go anywhere, do you?

My son has sprung up into a giant! He is nearly 6 ft tall now at the ripe old age of 13! Sweet boy has a lazy streak and a computer addiction. I am praying and working on that.

My 9yr old- hmmm, dosen't need glasses anymore. Praise God!!! She has taken on the job of most excellent disruptor of anything and antagonizing all until someone wants to hit her. It must be a middle child thing-but she pushes my buttons too and dad seems to ignore it. I have lost my patience too much on this little girl and have asked for forgiveness and guidance on dealing with her. Do you have a child who likes to "start" things too?

My 3 yr old- ahhh she is like a breath of fresh air! She wakes up rejoicing in all of her surroundings and is so happy! "What's for breakfast, mom?" I love to hear her say that! She is 3 now and has moments of rebellion but I am SURE it is due to her sister. Need to squash that too.

Baby dear- oh boy!! She is an pint sized Amazonian powerhouse with a bit of fuzzy hair glued to the top of her head! She nearly weighs as much as 3yr old and can pin her down on the floor in a split second. Full of kisses and energy, her ability to lick shoes and eat paper,(including books with only 6 teeth!),all while limping in a circle, could impress any Olympic athlete! Her hobbies include, pulling books down from the shelves, climbing chairs and walking across tables, and eating sand. She is also a self-proclaimed, part-time, vegetarian!


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